Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cleaning Party!

It was an especially exciting Saturday night for the Seattle sisters: drinking soy nog and cleaning the extremely messy apartment. There was mold on most of the food in the fridge, mildew in the shower, piles of dirt/dust/hairballs in all corners of the kitchen, and a sorta nasty smell lingering in the air. A little hard work, 409, and a boyfriend-slave was all we needed

Mike (boyfriend-slave) cleans the bathtub with a smile. What a guy!

Showing off the sparkling-clean kitchen.

Natalie made Mike hold her Rothko picture against the wall so she could visualize where she wanted to hang it. The results were heeelarious!

Some sexy hipster pictures in celebration of a job well done.


J. Thomas said...

Some questions:

1. Where is that blue wall? Did Natalie paint it?
2. Why don't you clean when you're at my house?
3. Why are you home cleaning on Friday night? Does your social life suck?
4. Is your boyfriend-slave cuter than mine?

Lachelle said...

can I schedule you all to clean my house?