Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mission Day

Each spring, Seattle University sets aside one day for faculty and staff to focus on the school's Jesuit Catholic mission in order to explore it in greater depth and to expand their understanding of it. Typically, Mission day is a time when the students at Seattle University are free to sleep in and relish in the fact that they need not go to class. However, Mike and I decided to take the day a little more seriously and pursue our own special mission.

Mission day began at Volunteer Park Cafe, a lovely neighborhood coffee shop that serves up some delicious treats. Mission one: eat copious amounts of food.

Then, it was off to the park to take advantage of the windy conditions. Mission two: get the Nemo kite off the ground.

Mike clearly needed my help. I found that running around like a lunatic really encouraged the kite to stay in the air.

Finally, mike succeeded in the mission, and was flying the Nemo kite with ease.

Look, we rock at flying kites! Mission accomplished.

1 comment:

J. Thomas said...

The BEST mission, yet!

A few questions: Are you returned missionaries now? Was your mission the best experience of your life? Are you related? You look like brother and sister. Where's Pat?